Sunday, May 22, 2011


I’m finally getting to Greece and Easter weekend weeks later.  Mom and I are on a train to Rome to catch our flight to Nice, France, and I just haven’t had time to get another blog in with finals, saying good-bye to Florence, and traveling.  But Greece was an unforgettable weekend and definitely deserves a blog post. 

Thursday morning we hopped on a five hour bus to Ancona, Italy with Bus2Alps.  Ancona is on the east coast and from there we could take the cruise to Greece…. a 14 hour cruise.  We perused the ship for food once we boarded around four and set up camp in one of the airplane seating cabins before heading to the deck to enjoy the sunset.  We met literally the entire campus of Washington State Univ.  Okay, not really but at least ten more on top of the six of our good friends.  We started the party at the discoteca on the ship at ohhh 10:30, and we were all passed out on the floor between the airplane seats by one.  

We woke up at 7 to get off the cruise and back onto another 1.5 hour ferry to take us to Corfu and the magical Pink Palace.  First things first, we headed down to the beach with a detour to eat cheap gyros and continued on to bask in the Greek sun and argue about exactly which sea we were swimming in. 
Happy hour before the yummy dinner that came with the price of the hostel turned my tongue blue.  

Dinner consisted of a delicious salad, chicken, rice, and soup, and we ate while watching the sunset.  We went for some ouzo, a black licorice Greek liquor, and made our way to the discoteca to dance the night away and watch some authentic Greek dancing.

The next morning we were up early to have breakfast and sign up for the notorious booze cruise.  You can only imagine what shenanigans took place.  It was an unforgettable four hours of cruising the ocean and watching people fail at cliff jumping (which the captain tried to get people to do naked with the incentive of free drinks).  When we got back, we had gyros for lunch and napped on the beach to rest up for...  Pink toga party!

Everyone wore a pink toga for the night and it was just ridiculous.  After another yummy dinner we headed to a friend’s terrace for ouzo and pictures.  After helping our friend who had an allergic reaction to peach juice, Carly and I made it to the discoteca just in time for more authentic Greek dancing and plate smashing.  Plates were coming down on everyone’s heads and we all rushed the dance floor regardless of the clay shards completely covering the floor.  The lights were turned on a song later and we all parted so they could be swept up.  After dancing for three hours straight, I looked up and realized I only knew a few people left on the dance floor and it was time to head to bed.  

Happy Easter!  The next morning most people slept in and we relaxed on the beach until it was time to clean up and check out to begin the long journey back to Florence starting with the ferry back to the cruise ship.  We got on the cruise ship and celebrated Matt’s 21st birthday.  We were so ready to be of f the cruise and back in Italy but no one was looking forward to the 6 hour bus ride back.  We finally made it back to our apartment around 7 Monday night.  Although the amount of traveling was ridiculous, Greece was incredible and exhausting and I enjoyed every bit.  

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