Monday, February 7, 2011


So… about Bologna…  Lesson learned: there are different train stations in Florence and when you look up departure times on the Italian train website all of the Firenze train stations are listed, not just the main one that I use.  The little abbreviation FISMN (Firenze Santa Maria Novella) – my train station, is important.  So, no, we did not make it to Bologna on Sunday; however, it is a lose-win situation and Casey and I spent the day wandering around the Gallerie dell’Accademia which hosts Michelangelo’s David sculpture as well as many other works of art.  I bought leather boots at the San Lorenzo leather markets and I LOVE them.  My old, cheap target boots were struggling, and my real leather ones smell so good! Casey and I explored a little bit more and of course ended our outing with gelato despite the chilly weather.  After dinner and a nap, I was ready to celebrate the Superbowl at the early hour of 12:30 a.m.  I went with Anna, Randi, Bri, and Lauren to watch the game at Astor, a club in the Piazza del Duomo.  Good news: Marco, the barista that made me the “Jessica drink” the first week, also supplied me with 2 Guinness’s and a Bailey’s shot…for free?  Bad news: We don’t get Superbowl commercials in Italy L.  I left after half time and finally fell asleep around 3:30.
Saturday, Casey and I made a quick run to the market and headed back to the ciccolate festival.  And again, the chocolate just wasn’t enough so we made a pit stop for some rice gelato that Randi had when she was little and wanted to get again.  It was delicious!  Throughout the past two days of exploring I have seen nine dachshunds!  Each one is adorable!!  However, apparently Italians don’t use doggie bags… We set out at sunset for a little run and found ourselves at the Piazzale Michelangelo, a beautiful view of the whole city of Florence.  I can’t wait to visit again in normal clothes andddd with a bottle of wine.  That night, 5 of us: Casey, Ashton, Anna, Lauren, and I, curled up in two combined twin beds to watch Wedding Crashers on a laptop.

Piazzale Michelangelo

I had my mafia class this morning and 2.5 hours of class is exhausting!  We watched a documentary on the history of the mafia for the first half and my teacher lectured the second.  At least it is interesting but the last 30 minutes I struggled.  Luckily, here in Italia they have cappuccino vending machines.  It even pops you out a stir stick!  I headed to one of the LdM buildings after class to get my Permesso di Soggiorno (permit to stay in Italy for over 90 days), which was pretty painless.  Then, I grabbed a few links of sausage and a sweet potato at the mercato central and went to Italian.

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