Monday, March 28, 2011

Ciao Bello!!! James is here!

I know I havn’t updated anyone about my life in three whole weeks… buttttt good news, I remember everything!  But I’m going to give it to ya’ll in doses.
So quick update on the few days before James got here.  Apparently, my stomach virus was not food poisoning and was extremely contagious (James caught it while he was visiting.  :/ )  Good thing it only lasts one day!  Tuesday I took it easy and although I didn’t have an appetite, we went to a Tuscan Wine Shop for my wine tasting class to taste Chianti Classico and Vernaccia di San Gimignano- Tuscany’s best red and white wines.  The rest of my classes reviewed for the midterm coming up the following week.  Wednesday night I went to a chocolate tasting that I signed up for.  The most interesting chocolate I had was one with chili pepper!  After the chocolate tasting I waited to hear from James to make sure he got to Atlanta and made it on his flight to Florence (His Knox flight was delayed and he has a short layover in the first place).  And he made it, thanks goodness!  I got quite a few good runs in this week which I was happy about because the half is getting so close and I have a feeling I am going to be relying on all the walking I have been doing in Europe as my training…  

Thursday, I picked up same sausage and fruit to make James for breakfast, ran a few other errands, and went for a jog before I headed to the airport.  Best day ever!!  James and I headed to my apartment which was quite the process.  Rolling a suitcase over cobblestones and dodging stubborn Italians that never move out of your way isn’t the easiest task.  Buttt we made it and after relaxing and hanging out for a little bit, I made us a pizza and we opened a bottle of wine.  We met up with all of my friends a little later at Tijuana’s for happy hour, which James and I naturally missed by 15 minutes.  We headed to Eby’s afterward to take the renowned Eby’s Café shot, and then to the Lion’s Fountain for a drink before calling it a night.

I ran poor James ragged the first few days because we had beautiful weather in Florence and I knew rain was in the forecast for the rest of the week.  When we woke up Friday, I made the sausages and we set out for a tour of Florence.  We started with the Duomo, Mercato Centrale, Piazza della Rupubblica, all of the name brand stores by my school (Dolce and Gabbana, Fendi, Armani, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Patrizia Pepe, etc.), Piazza Signoria, Palazzo Vecchio, the fake David, Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio and ended with the best gelato on the Ponte la Carraia.  We headed back to my apartment before I dragged James on an extremely long walk to the Piazzale Michelangelo where we sat and watched the sunset with a bottle of wine.  Dinner at Dante’s was delicious!  Students get free wine and I had yummy ravioli and James had tortelloni.  Naturally, we stopped for more carraia gelato since Dante’s is on the same street.  Towards the end of dinner, the British woman and her mother sitting next to us began talking to us and asking us questions.  They were so friendly and I always love talking to people from other countries.  We stopped in Piazza della Repubblica to listen to a street performer on the way home and joined our friends for a night in hanging out in the apartment.

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