Wednesday, March 30, 2011


James’s last day in Florence already :/  Time passes so quickly here.  We ran a few last minute errands before grabbing a kebab to go and hurrying to the train station.  Our flight went as smooth possible for ryanair.  We were definitely ready to get to our hostel though because our hour and a half bus ride into the city felt like forever.  Our room in our hostel had neon green walls and a little shower that was a 2’ by 2’ square.  We went exploring down our street for a place to eat.  Our waitress spoke very little English but attempted to explain what everything was on the menu.  We got brick, which were the best cheese sticks I have ever tasted in my life, salmon, which was raw with potatoes, and yummy ravioli.  Nutella crepe with fresh strawberries for dessert!!!  

We got up early for breakfast in our hostel the next morning and to start the sightseeing.  We walked to the Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower before heading to St. Michel’s fountain for a free walking tour.  The walking tour took us to the Notre Dame again.  Who knew it was almost torn down until The Hunchback of Notre Dame was written and they decided to restore it instead?  What was the French thinking!?! 

We walked along the Siene River and saw the bridges that are in Taken and Jason Bourne.  We saw the statue of King Henry IV and heard about the brutal execution of his murderer.  We saw the building where the French maintain a “pure” French language- aka make sure they make French words for all English words.  It took them three months to decide whether the word for iPod should be masculine or feminine.  We saw the Louvre and then we peaced out of the tour because it was so incredibly chilly that we needed to find somewhere to warm up for awhile. 

We ate dinner at a restaurant that was recommended to me called Refuge des Fondue and everyone needs to go there!  It was such a fun atmosphere and you meet so many people because they only have two long tables and everyone is scrunched together.  You drink wine out of a baby bottle, and after some cold cut appetizers and a yummy fruit drink, they bring you out cheese fondue and bread.  Anddd since I’m a chocolate fiend we also got dessert.  We sat next to a family from Arizona who had come here years ago when they were studying art abroad.  On the other side of us were four girls, two of which were studying abroad in London and Prague and the other two were visiting for their spring break.  When we were leaving, a couple from Milan sat next to us and the woman had studied in Nashville when she was ten years old.  Small world right?  

We saw the beautiful Sacre Crour all lit up after dinner.  As we were walking down the steps of the hill, three men cornered us with their stupid bracelets that they aggressively try to put on your wrist and then charge you ten euros.  James is so calm while I’m repeatedly saying no, no, no.  They literally made James walk backwards because they were in his personal space so apparently my protective side came out and I said enough and stuck my arm in between them which turned into a little shove- woops, thanks vino.  He turns around and shoves me back while they start using profanities.  Funny how they know all of our dirty words yet they couldn’t understand no.  Anywayyy, it was getting late so James and I decided to skip the Moulin Rouge and headed back to our hostel.

James left at 5 am for the airport and our second two month countdown began :/

And I headed to Barcelonaaaa, ready for some sun, the beach, and Spring Break XI                                                                             

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