Monday, April 4, 2011


Figuring out the BCN airport was quite an experience but we made it, and a few hours later we were settled down at a table in the sun drinking the best sangria I have ever had. Sevilla has definitely been one of my favorite places I have visited.  Maybe it was because I somewhat understood the language and it was almost 90 degrees or maybe it could have been the delicious honeysuckle that I smelled everywhere there.  Or maybe because we were always catching up with EMac, Elena, Mary Taylor, or David Boyer who were all studying there, so we were literally never alone. 

Regardless, I loved every second I spent there.  There wasn’t much to see there so we spent most of the time relaxing at the restaurant that had an amazing lunch special (I had spicy spinach and chick peas, a special local fish, beer, dessert, and bread for 8 euros both days I was there) with a pitcher of sangria or laying by the river with all of the American and Spanish students.    

David met with us on Wednesday and took us to Cien Montadillos, a place that has little montadillo sandwiches, pints of beer, and jars of tinto each for 1 euro.  We talked there with some tinto and then walked around for a bit.  Casey and I met him back there that night.  It was so crowded with Spanish and American students taking advantage of the special. 

We headed towards a club and ironically I saw EMac and Elena outside at a bar.  I joined them of course and had a great night.  The next morning we met Mary Taylor for coffee con leche then posted up at my favorite restaurant again where we met Elena and EMac before their classes.  

We found David by the river later that afternoon and we hung out there until EMac and Mary Taylor took us to the best yogurt shop ever!  Unfortunately, our time was then up in Sevilla.  Palma Mallorca here we come!       

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