Monday, April 11, 2011

under the tuscan sun

Half marathon in a foreign country?  Check!  Despite serious lack of training, sleep, and hydration, Casey and I dragged ourselves out of bed Sunday morning to meet at Santa Croce for the VIVICITTA: La Mezza Maratona di Firenze.  At least the start was at 9:30 instead of 7 am like races in America!  We started out slow thanks to the tiny Italian streets packed with very stinky Italians.  Once we came to the Arno it spread out quite a bit and we were able to pick it up.  Casey ran with Erin (a girl in our program) and I for half of the race before we broke off.  It was Erin’s first half and I loved having a running partner!  The race went way smoother than I was expecting even though the course was two boring 10k loops.  After I finished, I fought my way through to the water station (it was notttt organized very well!). 
I headed home to take a much needed shower and then we were off again to explore Florence on such a beautiful day!  I ate a delicious burrito at Eby’s and then headed to Billa because I had literally no food.  When I got back to the apartment I retreated to our terrace and enjoyed the rest of the warm sunshine.

Monday, after classes, Casey and I headed to the Carraia Bridge to have some gelato then peruse the leather markets around San Lorenzo.  I bought a bracelet for three euros.  Then, we found the store that sells wine on tap for really cheap!  You buy a plain bottle and then you can fill it with good wines for 2ish euros.  

That evening we hung out on the terrace again before I went to a cheese tasting offered through my school.  We tried Mozzarella, Taleggio (which I had never had before- super yummy!), Pecorino (my favorite), and Gorgonzola.  We paired the pecorino with fava beans which was new to me but delicious of course.  And we had Chianti Classico!  When I got home I started working on the research for the 2,500 word paper due in a week for my Mafia class.  Yes, I do actually have to do some work while I’m here.

Tuesday, Casey and I ventured out to Cascine Park to go to the market.  I bought a brown clutch for 2 euros and a little make up bag for 1 euro.  We got some gelato and then walked around the Santo Spirito area before meeting Tay for lunch at Antico Noe.  Best sandwiches I have ever had!!  I got one with pork sausage, eggplant, pecorino cheese, and spinach and it was so good!  We found a cute little shop with random Tuscany soaps and decorations.  After stopping at the leather school by Santa Croce, I headed off to my history of Florence class.  We toured Santa Maria Novella and I completely forgot that we were visiting a church and was not in dress code.  Quite a few of us had to wear gowns that went down to our ankles.   We looked pretty ridiculous.  I made dinner and then we got ready and finally made it out to Astor and Twice with the roomies.

Wednesday was a great day!  My wine tasting class went to a vineyard called Villa le Piazzole.  It was beautiful! We toured the cellar, and then drank two of their special wines and a dessert wine with bruscetta, chicken liver, pecorino, parmesan, prosciutto, and salami.  Emily, Katie, and I made sure to get our money’s worth of the vino and all of the delicious appetizers.  

Emily came back to my apartment after the wine tasting to lay on my terrace and drink some more wine and strawberries.  Unfortunately, we weren’t able to lay out very long because I had to go to my lit class at 6.  I met back up with Emily later that night and we sat in Piazza della Rupubblica for a little bit listening to the piano bar.  Then, we went to Slowly, a ritzy bar that I had never been to before.  I got the yummiest (and most expensive) chocolate martini.

She convinced me to stay out for the clubs and we went to Fullup where we danced and danced until we were ready to get some fresh air.  Outside I met six Italian girls and two Spanish guys and had the funniest broken Italian, Spanish, English conversation.  I loved it, and it was an experience that I had expected to be exposed to when abroad.

Thursday, I slept in and woke up to the realization that I really needed to start my mafia paper.  While lying out on the terrace, I finished four/fifths of the paper and stopped for the day.  Casey’s mom was in town so we all drank wine and chitchatted.  I met up with our friends downstairs and we headed to Bigallo for drinks.  I tried my hand at speaking Italian again to a group of locals who were celebrating their friend’s graduation from University.  They were very patient and probably found me very humorous because every other word was “come se dice” (how do you say).

It was a beautiful week and one of my favorites since I have been here.  However, it was exhausting and I was in need of the relaxing weekend that was to come.  Posts from our “Under the Tuscan Sun” excursion in Siena, Perugia, and Chianti soon!                

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